• party planners

    I got married in India few years back. Now I live in US and have got ex-parte divorce from US court. I heard that foreign divorce is not valid in India if challenged. My divorce is not challenged so far(in 2 years). Is there any time limit to challenge the decree in Indian court? How long should I wait(to know if other party is challenging it) before I remarry? If I want to get married in India and get the marriage registered in India. will there be any issue because I have a foreign divorce decree, not an Indian divorce?

  • accantoalcamino

    Allora buon viaggio, anche se a quest’ora chissà quante ricette indiane avrai imparato a fare, a presto 🙂

  • Marica

    @polveredistelle: grazie. adesso vado a vedere …

  • PolvereDiStelle MakeUp

    Hai un blog carinissimo e ti seguo volentieri!
    Se ti va di dare un’occhiata al mio piccolo mondo,sei la benvenuta!Lo troviqui!

  • simoff

    perfetto…ci cimenteremo con i tuoi suggerimenti al ritorno…

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